A Complete Story Javed Iqbal The Serial Killer

A Complete Story Javed Iqbal The Serial Killer

Javed Iqbal Mughal (born circa 1956 or 1961, died October 8, 2001) confessed to murdering 100 boys in Lahore between 1998 and 1999. Targeting street children aged 6 to 16, he lured them to his Shad Bagh home, sexually assaulted them, strangled them with a chain, dismembered their bodies, and dissolved them in hydrochloric acid. He disposed of remains in the Ravi River or sewers, documenting each kill in a diary.

Diary of a Young Girl A Legacy Reborn

Dear Kitty, My name is Hanna, and I’m sixteen years old. I live in Amsterdam, in a flat overlooking the Prinsengracht, just a stone’s throw from the house where Anne Frank once hid. I found her diary in my school library two years ago, tattered and yellowed, and it changed me. She called you Kitty